We enjoyed our day of thanks with my side of the family. Craig worked until 2, so he joined us afterward. It was great to have everyone (except Mike :( ) together!
If Paisley could talk in full sentences, my guess is that this is what she would be thankful for-- probably in order.... her blanket, her monkey, mommy, daddy, oscar, milk, books and crayons.
On Thanksgiving, it took Paisley a while to warm up to those in the family she doesn't see very often. But, once she did warm up...she had tons of fun with Great Uncle Ted, and cousin Vanessa especially!
Paisley hasn't done a complete turn around in the getting dressed/pajama department, but....we've seen significant improvements! I'm not calling it a success yet...but we're getting there. Fingers crossed! She's also obsessed with things being broke (thankfully she has a daddy that can fix everything), and with the babies. Everything is for the babies, according to P. I love this next picture of Craig and Paisers...hmmm, you couldn't tell that's his daughter or anything, can you?!?!!
Later in the evening we decorated the tree. We only broke two bulbs...pretty good if you ask me. The ceramic tile floor in our sun room is a little less forgiving than our old living room carpet!
Sunday night we went to Irvine Park to look at all the Christmas lights. Grandma Bonnie and Great Grandma Marian rode along. Paisley loved them....she said, "wow" and "pretty" the whole time. It seems like she is getting into the whole Christmas thing for as much as she can for a 23 month old anyway.
TWIN Update: 28 weeks.....hello 3rd trimester!!
Last week we had a series of Doctor appointments. We started with the ultra sound, the best part!! Once again, baby B was wild and moving around, invading baby A's space. Actually....the ultra sound tech's have all commented on how incredibly active they are. Uh, YAH...I'm not just kidding around when I say they are moving....ALL of the time!! We tried to get a 4D picture of the babies. However, you need a pocket of fluid about their face, and so that meant that poor baby A couldn't get a picture because baby B was on top of him. (they are both lying transverse again). But, we did get a little shot of baby B in 4D....so cool. And OMG he has Craig's nose!! :) That's all I could look at!! Baby A weighed 2.1 pounds (45th percentile) and Baby B weighed 2.2 pounds (50th percentile). So....looks like they are growing well and it's great that they are so close in weight!
We then saw our regular doctor...nothing new to report....and then the maternity counselor. I had to take all the blood tests.......and then I got the dreaded call back....dun dun dun. Luckily, I do not have gestational diabetes....but I am anemic. So, I have to take extra iron pills each day. (I had to do this with Paisley too). I'm not a huge fan of meat....so maybe this is why I lack in iron?? Guess I'll chow down on raisins, dark leafy greens and iron pills for the next 2-3 months!
So, with Christmas and Paisley's Birthday coming, I am feeling the pressure to get everything ready for the babies. Plus, I just seriously can't move like I could even a month ago...so I'm quite nervous for the next two months. Anyway.....my sister in law, Melissa came over to help me with these dreaded stripes. Luckily...she just found what worked best and went at it. (thank you!!) I then painted it. So....besides some major touching up....the painting is done.....!!! We also got the other crib put together, all the bedding and clothes washed and put away....and all the bottles washed. SO....I think I am just about there. We still need a new vehicle...and a few other items...but things are coming together!!
So, other than that....I'm just feeling huge. Just to warn you, I might say that every single week until I have these babies. Even though this week I lost weight....I sure don't feel like it. You would die laughing to see me roll over in bed...I might need a lift by month 8!! I know, I know...I am having two babies....but my god...you know it's bad when my boobs start to look really small! LOL!!
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