Well, people...she did it. Paisley turned the big 0-2! Earlier in the week Paisley and Craig built a fort, and did snow angels. Craig said that Paisley just sat in the fort while he busily made it. What a fun daddy she has!!

Christmas Eve, we spent opening gifts at my mom's house. (We missed you Mike!) Craig scored a huge ladder (wow, fun.), Paisley got a ton of stuff including foam blocks that were a hit, and I got a framed mirror I had been eyeing up for a while! After gifts with my mom, we headed up, in the snow/rain to Ladysmith to celebrate with my side of the family. It was great to see everyone...and lots of laughs were had. And we all laugh loud. You can imagine! :) The drive home however was not so fun. The roads were really bad, we went 30 mph the whole time, and our 1 hour drive took us 2.5 hours. Paisley didn't sleep one wink of it, and was up VERY late!!

Christmas Morning--- Paisley Rian's 2nd Birthday!!! Whoo hoo!!! I can't believe our baby is 2!! We spent the morning opening gifts from Santa. He brought books, a movie, slippers, puzzles, a shopping cart and Elmo!!

(Santa brought Oscar treats too!!)

The afternoon we spent at G&G Berg's house. WOW, talk about gifts!!! It's quite the sight to see! It was great seeing siblings, grandparents and cousins!! SO, P has this new "cheese" smile. Just in time for tons of B-day/X-mas pictures!! You'll see it many times....

And this next picture might just be my favorite...ever....

The evening of the 25th, we went home to celebrate Paisley's Birthday. As you can see...she got a kitchen!!! She LOVES playing in it!!!!

And to top off our super busy weekend, we celebrated Paisley's birthday with family today. Thank you all so much for making the trip to our home, the wonderful gifts, and sharing the special day with us!!! As you can see, we had a "Yo Gabba Gabba" themed party. And tonight we had lots of tears when we wouldn't let her wear her "Brobee" paper B-day hat to bed!! We are all pooped!! OH.....speaking of that. Paisley pooped on the potty this weekend too!!! Not by accident this time. She started grunting and said, "poop, mommy"....so we hurried to the toilet, and sure enough.....she pooped!! How fun!! Come on, poop is fun when you're not cleaning it out of a diaper!!!
Anyway...pics from her party....

Again, THANK YOU.....we are blessed to have such great family and friends!! Christmas and Paisley's Birthday were both amazing!!
Paisley is TWO...here is what she can DO....
Put 2-3 words together
Match some colors
Draw a circle
Jump off a step
Loves pretend play
Build a tower of 7-8 blocks
Brush her own teeth
Put shoes, pants, and sometimes shirt on alone
Drink from a regular cup
Twin Update: 32 Weeks
Last week we had a doctor's appointment. The ultra sound went well. Both babies are head down...I just hope they stay that way! One baby weighed in at 3.7 pounds, and the other at 3.6 pounds. (about the 45th percentile for growth). The ultra sound tech tried for a long time to watch them practice their breathing...but they weren't having it. Maybe next time?!? The amount of fluid is still good....as is everything else. I am measuring at 40 weeks....but I feel like I am about 400 weeks! :) No, besides the pain when I try to sleep, things are going great. No contractions, no bleeding, no swelling.....all pretty good!! It's just hard when I have to stand or sit for long periods of time. The doctors assured me I wouldn't be working up until I delivered....I will show them...I just might need a cot! :)
Another 2 weeks, and Iwill be in the clear for delivering here in EC. I don't feel like I am going to deliver anytime soon...but we'll see. It's getting close, that's all I know!!

31 weeks...

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!
And Happy Birthday to Grandpa Mike M this week...we miss you!!
And Congrats to our friends Rick and Shannon, who welcomed Brayden William 3 1/2 weeks early! However, he was a healthy 7.9 pounds! We can't wait to meet him!
Thanks for checking in with the Berg's!!
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