Last week, Paisley had her 2 year check up. She weighs 26 pounds (40th percentile) and is 32 inches tall (10th percentile...stillllll). We have a little peanut (with a big attitude) on our hands...but nonetheless, she is a great eater. Her favorite foods are: pizza, crackers, pickles, cottage cheese, chicken nuggets (and when I ask her to eat her chicken she says, "bawk bawk"), milk (and now chocolate milk), canned carrots, tomato soup....really I could go on and on! She wears size 4 diapers, size 5 shoes, and 24 mo clothes. AND......our really big two year old has made some huge strides over the last few days. We now have "Paisley's Potty Chart's" up in two of the bathrooms.....and guess what....they have lots of stickers on them!!! Paisley has gone poop about 7 times, and pee about 4 times on the potty in the last few days. She even went away from home on a regular toilet!! I'm not pushing anything, and to be honest, I was kinda hoping that she wouldn't be ready until a couple of months after the boys are home--- just because of regressing...and not gonna lie...the amount of work. BUT, I'm taking her lead...and she's telling me when she has to go, and wants to sit on the we're going with it!! I'm so proud of her....what a big girl she is. I've gotten a few cute pictures, but until I can figure out my new photo program and block some stuff out, if you know what I mean...I won't be posting them on the web for everyone to see. :)
Bath time has been extra fun with new bath toys!! She loves her bath crayons, and wants Craig or I to draw a puppy every single time. Puppy's are getting a bit old...but whatever Miss P wants......
And more dress up. A girl can never have enough purses!! However, she has started stuffing them with random things...and this weekend I found a shoe, a Mickey Mouse hand, hair clips and Oscar's ball. OH, and she's still sporting the Mr. Potato Head glasses....after like a year, seriously...of wearing them!
The 1st we spent celebrating at G&G Berg's. Paisley had a blast running around with lots of kids...and I had a blast eating lots of good food!
Then, on Jan 2nd my Grandma celebrated her 70th Birthday! (I know, she's young!) When I was born I had 13 blood grandparents, this is the only one I have left! We had lunch in Ladysmith with the fam....and Paisley said, "Happy Birday Mema" many times!!
After lunch with great grandma...Paisley and I went to see my half sister, Heather...and her new baby Jacob!! Paisers loved him...wanted to hold him....and insisted on feeding him french fries with ketchup!!! It was really nice to see Heather again, and to finally meet my nephew!
Paisers helped me make play-doh (I hate store bought play doh!)....well, actually she dumped a lot of flour on the floor and cried when I wouldn't let her stir it on the hot stove. But anyway, we had "fun" making it....and then playing with it!!
Twin Update: 33 Weeks
Today might not be the best day for me to write this post. I am kinda crabby...because of these boys! The last two days have been really bad. Tons of cramping, sharp shooting pains, pressure....and a few braxton hicks contractions. I literally want to cry when it's time to go to sleep because it's so painful! I'm pretty sure Craig is sick of hearing me complain about it...but I just wish he knew (or could understand) what this feels like. I'm so damn clutsy....(whether I'm pregnant or not!) but it hurts so bad to bend over...not good when I'm always dropping stuff!!
Anyway, I'll stop my complaining now--- My guess is the boys are 4 pounds each now. I see my doctor tomorrow...but just for a check up, no ultra sound. We have just a tad over a week to go and I will be in the clear to deliver in the EC. Nice!
So...enjoy your week!
Craig, Brook, Paisley, Oscar and the twins
1 comment:
Don't worry I have shed a few tears myself at night when trying to go to bed!!
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