This week we waited and waited and waited in line to see Santa. He is a special guy, but I'm not so sure the 2.5 hours in line was worth it. Whew. Actually, Paisley loved him. In fact, when we were about 2 kids away, she tried numerous times to dash under the rope and just hop right on to Santa's lap! She had waited long enough! :) She told Santa she wanted an Elmo for Christmas, she said "Ho Ho Ho" to him, and also told him that her Birthday is on Christmas. She gave him a big squeeze at the end of the visit, it was adorable!!

Twin Update: 31 weeks
This week we have an appointment and ultra sound. I'm really looking forward to seeing how big they are and how they are positioned. They are moving ALL of the time--so much that it's sometimes painful! Sleeping is so hard lately. My stomach is so big that it hurts to lay on my side...I can't lay on my back...or on my stomach obviously. That leaves.....a lot of tossing and turning, moaning and groaning (because it takes me about 20 seconds to sit up), and sleepless nights. UGH. You know on the beginning of Jon and Kate Plus 8, when they show Kate's belly wrapped in plastic and she rolls over........yah, I'm pretty sure that's what I look like...and I know that's what I feel like!! I know...I don't have 6 in there...but it feels like it. :)
So, I've been getting lots of questions I figured I'd just answer them on here.....
What are their names? Umm, we aren't sharing. We learned our lesson with Paisley. Although I can say that we have it narrowed down to 3 names, we aren't 100% set on which 2 yet.
Will they be "twin" names? Nope. They won't start with the same letter or rhyme. We didn't necessarily plan it that way, it's just that the 3 names we like the most all start with different letters.
Will you have a c-section? Well, I hope not. I want to deliver naturally. Wait a minute...I mean vaginally. I'm all about the epidural. We won't know until I am closer to delivery how the babies are positioned, or if there are any risks that would indicate I need a c-section. So far, I don't.
Will they take the babies early? Thus far, there is no reason that they will, based on them and me. However, 60% of twin mom's deliver at or before 36 weeks. So, basically it's just how much longer this body of mine can carry the boys.
Will you go back to work? Yes, I plan on taking 10 weeks off, and then returning to FRC. I like my job...we have good day back I will go. However, I will be taking all of the spring semester off of school and returning in the summer.
Are you ready? Technically speaking, yes. We have clothes, diapers, bottles, cribs, car seats, the stupid van, and a stroller. However, can anyone really be ready to parent a 2 year old and new twins?? Thankfully I have a background in child development and lots of experience with kids...although that doesn't mean I'm not scared!! Which brings me to the last question...
What are you most scared of? Honestly, a lot of things. I am scared that Paisley will wonder where I am and feel sad. I haven't been away for very long, and I already feel sad thinking that she might be sad. I am scared of the boys having health issues and I am scared of one coming home before the other. I am scared that I will be a milk machine and won't be doing anything else besides nursing and pumping. Hello Milk Mama. I am really scared that the boys will cry non-stop like our little Miss P did!!
Next week we will have SO much to share!! Christmas, Birthday, Ultra Until then, I sure hope you have a wonderful Christmas--and remember the true meaning. I know we are looking forward to spending time with our family and friends!!
Brook & Fam
(Oh, and this is a Saturday post because I will be spending ALL of Sunday writing a paper, due Sunday at midnight. Yah...haven't started it (sorry Lis)...and it's the longest, biggest paper I've ever had to write....the good week, you won't hear me complain about grad school because I will be done!!)
(Oh, and this is a Saturday post because I will be spending ALL of Sunday writing a paper, due Sunday at midnight. Yah...haven't started it (sorry Lis)...and it's the longest, biggest paper I've ever had to write....the good week, you won't hear me complain about grad school because I will be done!!)
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