Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go.....(sniff sniff)

Thanks for tuning in to another weekly installment of the Berg family blog!! So....what's new this week? Hmmm.....
The twins....are so adorable!! (well, that's actually not new news) They smile so much!! Both of them "talk" to us, but Madden does so a little bit more. Overall, he's more vocal, whether it's crying or cooing. They are both doing turn taking...we'll talk to them, wait, and they'll talk back. A different kind of talking back than their older sister does though! They are holding their heads up well, sitting in the bumbo seat well, and are starting to see further distances. Sleeping has been okay this week-- Hudson has been sleeping a nice long stretch, Madden however, hasn't. In fact, he's been a bit more fussy, back to the Madden we used to know, and getting up more. Awesome. Just in time for me to return to work! ;) And, big sister Paisley is so adorable as well. She is so dramatic, and her imagination and her memory are unbelievable. She also loves to try to catch people who are not praying at the dinner table! :) And if your hands are folded on your lap where she can't see, she yells out "Gampa no pray!!" It's so funny. And tonight during bedtime prayers she scolded me for not touching my CHIN during the sign of the cross. Apparently now Paisley adds motions to the sign of the cross. I mean, she does share a Birthday with the big guy, but not so sure she has that much say in our prayers! :) Any way she does it, it's cute!

And some pictures from my last week as a stay at home mommy....

(Hudson-- and don't mind the pink bouncy seat, he doesn't! And yes...his hair is slightly red)


(Hudson sitting in the bumbo)

(Paisley holding Madden)

(H Bomb)

(Mad Mike) I've mentioned before, Paisley realllllly wants to be a baby!! She spent a good 30 minutes sitting in the carseat...covered herself up and rocked away!

And.....the baby in her still wants to wear diapers!! She tells us when she poops, and if she's not wearing a diaper she holds her pee until she gets one on (usually). Today she told us she pooped...and Craig and I were each feeding a baby, so I said, "just a minute and I will change you"......and she decided she would sit on her potty while she waited, I guess.....and this is what I found.... (sorry if this grosses you out!)........

.....notice how ONE tiny piece actually made it in the potty. Craig wants another dog....looks like we sort-of already have one! :)
BUT.....our baby girl does look really old in this next picture!

I've been meaning to get a sleeping pic of the boys. Here is how they start out.....but I never think to take one in the middle of the night after they've snuggled together. hmm. Guess I'm thinking about, oh....sleep!! :) -- Madden's on the Left.

In a week and a half, my sister in law Melissa and I will be having a thrift sale. A HUGE thrift sale!! Melissa usually brings more stuff than anyone would ever know what to do with...and people around town seriously know about our annual sale. This year, I will actually have stuff to put in it! So....if you have little girls, size newborn to size 6...come on over!! And getting ready for the sale is not easy with no free time....nor is it easy when Paisley wants to wear everything I price. Like a newborn winter hat, a baby bib and a 6 mo bikini!! :)

(About 1/4 of the clothes....yikes!) I go. It's bedtime for the boys, then I will be getting everything ready to head to work in the morning. And lucky first 3 days back is our audit!! Ewww!! I feel good knowing that Craig will be home with them...he's great....but nonetheless, it's not easy to leave my babies!! These 10 weeks have gone faster than I could have ever imagined....they've been the best, and most trying 10 weeks of my life. If you would have asked me 4 years ago when we tried and tried to get pregnant if I would have thought I would have 3 beautiful kids right now....I wouldn't have.....but we are SO blessed....and I am really going to miss spending all day with them!!! So...nighty night (well, for you all!)......I'm going to keep this picture in my head alllll day tomorrow!!......

Mommy loves you, Paisley, Hudson and Madden...and you too Oscar....have fun with Daddy!!!! And to the rest of you....see ya next Sunday!

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