Here is Paisley's letter to Santa...she told me exactly what to write.
The twins are growing so fast! Hudson is standing on his own for long periods of time and he is so proud of himself! It won't be long at all before he takes a step! The boys have also been...knock on wood....sleeping really well at night. Paisley started sleeping through the night at 10 months, so maybe that's the Berg's magic number. Madden has had several nights where he has only gotten up 2-3 times!! You don't realize how awesome that is! And twice, neither child woke until 5am!! That means I slept like 7 hours in a row!!! It's been a really long time since that's happened!! And I know, I won't last long!
Hudson and Madden are best at making Paisley mad, fighting over toys, giving hugs and exploring!!!
OH....and I often say how "into everything" Madden is. So we know that he can cause a little trouble now and then. I think we are really in for it.....this weekend....Craig and I heard a huge THUD....and there Madden was, laying on his bedroom floor. The little stinker got out of his crib!!! I'm telling you....this boy is all BOY! Both cribs are now at the lowest level...I practically need a step stool to reach in there! We have also quickly experienced how little boys rip up board books....we have gone through 3 this week!
Rub a dub dub, 3 monkey's in a tub....
Another fine piece of artwork from Miss Paisley Rian...
So. Paisley had another milestone this week-- she had her very first trip to the dentist!!! She first sat patiently and watched me get my teeth cleaned...and then hopped right up in the big chair and opened wide to get those sugar bugs out!
We had been reading a book about Nicole going to the dentist, so Paisley was very interested in the "thirsty straw" and the "baby mirror". She had a little trouble keeping her mouth open with the hygienist put fluoride on her teeth....but overall, she did REALLY well!!!
Dr. Spangler said that her teeth look excellent and that she is doing a nice job brushing! She also told me to start saving now because P's teeth are crowded and she has a cross bite on one side. Ahh.....4 sets of braces is going to be super fun to pay for! :)
Paisley got a new purple (her favorite color) toothbrush, and some new floss too. In fact, in the middle of the night after her appointment, I woke up to Paisley at the side of my bed asking me to "cut her floss cuz it's just too hard"... I was like, "Paisley, it's 2:00 in the morning, go to bed." and she replied, "but my just have to floss my teeth so my sugar bugs go away." Nothing like good dental hygiene at 2 am, right?!?!
Paisley also celebrated her upcoming Birthday with friends at day care! She had a really fun time and loves her Tinkerbell stuff and her new Barbie. And by the way, her new barbie's name is "Barbie"...and she will not let us forget that!
Paisley says, "Thank you, Londa, Colton, Kate, Kailer, Ella, Bobby, Addison, Sophie, Laken, Hudson and Madden for a fun party!"
Saturday was a really exciting day for me. It's a day I have been dreaming about for a really long time!! GRADUATION!!!! Now, I have to confess, I am not quite done with my thesis....but almost! :) I'm sure you can understand....3 kids, being pregnant, work....LIFE.....but I'm hoping my paper will be approved in January, and then it will really be official. But, still....I have to say, it feels great! I was the first one in my family to graduate from a 4 year college....and now the first to get a Master's degree too!! So, my thesis is on the effects of parenting styles on a preschool aged child's social emotional development. It's really interesting! So....walking through graduation meant a lot to me---and as we lined up, one of the dean's said...."you have accomplished something many people don't...and this means that you can also earn your doctorate!"....everyone laughed.....but I didn't. I hope someday I can report that I have also earned a doctorate. We'll see....first, raising babies and writing blogs, right?!?!
Just after hearing my baby yell super loud, "YAY, MOMMY! HI, MOMMY!" I could hear her while I received my master's hood. It was sooo sweet! Thank you, mom, Craig and Paisley for supporting me! And thank you to my family and friends too....and for the beautiful flowers, Amy! I really do have the best friend anyone could ask for!
It was a really nice Saturday--- graduation, dinner with family and then out with some friends for a while!!
And Sunday....we celebrated Makyah's 8th, yes 8th Birthday!!! It seriously seems like yesterday that we were trying to get Makyah, age 22 months to walk down the aisle at our wedding, kicking and screaming! She was sure a strong willed little girl, and has grown into an amazing, sweet, responsible 8 year old! Happy Birthday, Kyah!

(Madden has Grandpa Mike wrapped around his finger. It's so sweet!)
And the "big kid" cousins....
And the "big kid" cousins....
The baby is about the size of an apple this week...and can already respond to light! It's hard to believe the baby is already the size of an apple...yet, I feel like it's the size of a pumpkin! My stomach hurts at the end of the day and has lines all over it from my pants. Yes, I need maternity clothes!! I'm coming near the end of laying my stomach at night too. It's really true that you show faster with your second......or fourth!
I've been having lots of cramping, tugging and pulling....likely just my uterus growing. I've also been getting really bad headaches....and for some reason, the tiredness hasn't gone away yet. Yes, I realize it will likely not go away for several years!
Also....our biggest clue that we have been pregnant (the first two times) is because our dog, Oscar becomes extremely attached to me. This time....he has just been a stinker. Chewing up the kids nuks, and toys.....he's probably so scared we will forget all about him when the new baby comes! Luckily, the Berg's have LOTS of love to pass around! time I blog, Christmas will have come and gone, and our baby girl will be 3 years old!! I hope to slow down this week and really enjoy what Christmas is all about...and hope you will do the same.
And....the always wonderful, Life and Style Photography has a sneak peak of Paisley's three year old pictures. Check out the link on the right to see them! She looks so grown up, and so beautiful!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Oscar and Baby #4
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