In other exciting news...Grandpa Mike is back home!! We had dinner with G&G Moe later this week, after the kids were feeling a bit better. So nice to have him home!
The kids, Craig and I have been fighting a nasty cold, cough, fevers all week. Things are finally starting to "feel" a little better around here. Spring. Now. Please.
(Madden is happy as long as he can climb!)
Well...we finally did it. It was time that the twins have their very first hair cuts!! And who else would do the deed but good ol' Aunt Mary?? She thankfully came to our home to get rid of Hudson's hair that covered his ears and was starting to hit the collar of his shirt in the back (sorry, mom!)....and to get rid of Madden's mullet. Yes, the party in the back is gone.
First, big sister had a sucker for the kept her busy. :)
We started with Hudson. He did pretty well. I mean, I wasn't the one doing the cutting...and was probably more of a distraction with my mad picture taking frenzy...but for a wiggly 11 month old, he did great!
He looks SO grown up now. Almost one year, I can't believe it!
He looks SO grown up now. Almost one year, I can't believe it!
Next was Madden's turn. I was nervous about this little guy...but he totally proved me wrong. He smiled the whole time....I guess he was really happy to get rid of the mullet!
Hard to tell, since we didn't cut anything from the front. In fact, that looks the same as it did the day he was born! Only the back grew. He he he.
THANK YOU, Great Aunt Mary for the super-duper hair cuts!! Now, we'll see you back about every six weeks or so! Just kidding...but we sure do appreciate you coming to us (she lives an hour north) to cut the twins' hair!
Paisley is finally getting back to herself. Last week I said, "I want pre-surgery Paisley back!" I felt like she was this child I didn't know. It was terrible!! But...she's getting some of her good moods back (some!) and is just now starting to eat again. I think we can finally say she is recovered! Her voice still sounds funny, and her speech is really really hard to understand right now. In fact, she starts speech services tomorrow at her school (I cancelled all last week due to illness)...and it will be interesting, because she still doesn't sound like Miss P.
Paisley is into making lists, writing her name, watching I-Carly, and making up some really interesting stories.
I know, I know....I can't believe it either, I am half way through this pregnancy. Doesn't it seriously seem like yesterday that you were in complete and utter shock that baby number four was on its way?!
The baby is about the length of a banana from head to heal, it's producing meconium now and is practicing swallowing! This week we have our 20 week appointment and will be getting an ultra sound to make sure everything is growing and developing appropriately. We have decided to not find out the gender of this baby. Oh come on. Did you believe that for the one second it took you to read that sentence?? :) We are hoping, and praying, and counting on the fact that we will find out...which one is it...boy or girl?? From the poll, most of you think girl...hmmm...I don't know!!! You'll have to wait until next Sunday to find out!!
Well...this mama has work to do before bed. Grant writing. Doesn't that sound fun?!?! We are looking forward to a healthier week for everyone! Have a good one!
~Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Oscie and Baby
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