Sunday, April 19, 2015

swing, batter-batter and a 5-6-7-8

In no particular order, here is what the Bergie Bunch kiddos have been up to...
T-Ball has begun. Since the millisecond that we found out we were expecting twin boys, Craig has been counting down the days until they could play baseball. So the first day of practice started out with a bang. And I don't mean the bang of the bat. I actually mean bang, I want to shoot myself---as Craig had to work and I managed to deal with two boys who refused to participate, two girls who were hungry and cold and bored, and two feet that were still in high heals because I had to come right from work...and didn't really plan on chasing balls in a field. SIGH.
It was painful! Hudson wouldn't even go near the team. He spent a good 30 minutes "walking to the van". Finally, after 30 minutes, Madden decided to play. Whew. Hudson never did participate. He said, "I do not like the name 'Tin Caps' and I do not like t-ball and I'm not playin!" Great. So that was fun. 
When Madden did participate, he looked pretty darn cute. All the way home, he told me how much fun he had.

So Friday when the next practice rolled around, I was scared to death. Craig ended up being able to take a little vacation time so that he could go too. And my mom offered to take the girls for us, so that was nice. They were pumped up...and totally played!! They loved it! I have no idea what changed (well, I am questioning some allergy meds that Hudson is on, so that might be part of the moodiness, but anyway....) They were laughing and smiling and hitting and fielding balls and making some great throws to first base. It was so fun to see!!

We got in the van and Hudson yelled, "T-ball is my favorite sport ever!!" (insert eye roll here)

Because my mom had the girls, we took the boys out to celebrate--their pick.
It's also crazy how easy having two kids is. Seriously. It's been a long time since I've had that much straight up F-U-N with the kids. Being able to just focus on them was awesome--and we need to try to do it more often.
You know what else is fun? When someone learns to ride their bike with no training wheels!!
Yay, Madden! He was determined, brave, and was off!
(also, looking fly in his pink shirt and his mom's sunglasses)


We made Hudson try, but after about an eighth of a loop on the track, he was over it. I later saw him digging for bugs. He definitely has to do things on his own time. (which is typically later, rather than sooner.

Luckily, the snow is gone and spring is here. And even though 'the cold never bothered me anyway' is totally false...on this day, we were happy to be in Arendelle, singing, 'do you want to build a snowman?"
G&G Berg gifted our whole family tickets to see Frozen on ice for Christmas and the day was finally here!


I'm not so sure Grandpa was excited to go...but he was a trooper, and we were all glad he sacrificed his Saturday to hang with Elsa, Anna and the kiddos. Thank you for spoiling us, G&G!

Life is busy, but never too busy for dance, right?

Paisley performed her hip-hop routine at the Kids Expo. Super fun to watch.

 (front, middle-left)

It's been a fun and tiring couple of weeks, that's for sure.
Thanks for checking in with the Bergie bunch!
Mama B

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