Sunday, August 9, 2015

Deep Breaths

Okay. Once again, it's been forever since I've posted. It's getting increasingly harder to catch a breath, sit and blog. When I started blogging, I wasn't really sure how long I'd write. It was a way to keep friends and family updated. Now, life is a new kind of busy, and blogging seems to become less of a priority. I'm not really sure what the next chapter in blogging holds for the Bergie Bunch. For now, I owe it to the youngest Berg to continue for a big milestones are around the corner for her.

One thing that's always the same during our summer....swimming lessons. The kids did really well. The first two days, Everleigh refused to participate like the other children. She'd get in the water reluctantly, but by day three, she was swimming up a storm. I'll tell you though, this child is testing everything I know about child development, parenting and strong-willed personalities.

All of our little fishies passed to the next level. Horray!

The kids have been obsessed with watching American Ninja Warrior on tv lately. So, what does their awesome daddy do? He sets up a course for them in the yard. If only I could have documented the sweet commentary he gave too.

We also celebrated our nephew, Cody's eighth birthday!
And enjoyed the Farmer's Market with the fam too.

So part of the reason that I've been MIA from the blog is just this. Deep breaths, deep breaths....
On a Thursday, Craig and his dad and brother went to the cities to do guy stuff. They went to a Twins game, and had plans to attend a golf event. See how cute they are...
But unfortunately, day two of their fun was cut short.
Thursday night, Paisley told me she wasn't feeling well. I told her she could sleep with me. Sure enough, like 10 minutes later, she was throwing up. Of course she was, right? Because Craig was out of town. The puking continued, but was mixed with some serious asthma. She was breathing really rapidly between getting sick, and about 30 minutes after I'd give her the inhaler, she'd ask for it again. I was getting concerned and even thought about taking her to the ER, but then again, I was alone...with the four kids. I decided to wait until the morning and take her in if it was still bad.
It was still bad.
I called bonnie to come watch the littles while I took Paisley to see her asthma and allergy doctor. At this point, I wasn't concerned about the stomach issues, but rather the rapid breaths.
When we got there, her doctor was very concerned too. They quick did a nebulizer treatment, followed by a shockingly quick shot of epinephrine in her leg.
They carefully watched, counted and timed things.
After about 15 minutes, the doctor said to me, "Mom, we've called an ambulance. We're rushing her to the ER." As I turned around so that Paisley couldn't see my tears, I said, "Are you sure I can't drive her?" She said, "No. If her respiratory rate drops at all while you are driving there, she will be in complete respiratory failure."
Crap. Well, I was actually thinking more than 'crap'. I quick texted Craig, and tried so hard to hold back my tears. I did not want her to be scared! But I was so scared. Terrified. My little dancing, bossypants was in trouble.
Before I knew it, they loaded her on the stretcher and off we went.
Our first ride in the ambulance.
To make a really long story short(er) the ER they determine that she needed oxygen. In fact, her room oxygen rate was at 85. It needed to be at 98-ish. They did xrays and thought it was pneumonia. (later they determined it was not) They did nebulizer treatments to stabilize her was hardly working. They gave her steroids and took blood. Started an IV and tried to get her respiratory rates down.
About 5 hours later, she was admitted into the peds unit of the hospital. We were staying the night.
The littles came to visit later Friday night. Doc Everleigh did a check-up on her big sissy.
It was a very long three days in the hospital. We had to wait for her to be okay without oxygen, her heart rate had to return to normal (it was at about 145) and for her to go 4 hours without a breathing treatment. Neither of us slept for three days. She was so tired (as was I), but her meds wouldn't let her little body sleep.
It was so scary. She was so tough. I am so thankful that she recovered as quickly and as well as she did. By day three, we had smiles!

And a visit from her best friend, Hailee too!

Upon arrival home Sunday night, Paisley was welcomed by a big chalk drawing and welcome home sign from Daddy. So sweet.

Since her arrival home, we've been on a strict regiment of meds and restrictions of activity. She's been getting better every day and every day we are so thankful. I've been able to take a deep breath, and luckily, so has she.
When you picture Paisley, what do you see? I always see her long, wavy, thick hair.  

Well if you looked inside, you'd also see a big, giving heart too. And miss P decided it was time to donate her hair to someone who needs it more than she does.
We had an appointment at Aunt Mary's salon, but after the tire popped while I was driving 70, alone with all the kids, and we had to get towed (!!Seriously!!)....we had to cancel the appointment, and Aunt Mary came to our house to do the hair cut. Talk about good service. :)
Our strong, now short(ish)-haired 7 1/2 year old!
I can't believe summer is almost over. We've been school supply shopping and in a few short weeks, the Bergie Bunch will be in school. Craziness.
Have a great week.

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