Sunday, January 31, 2016

Time out of the house

It's winter in WI. Let the (cold) fun begin.


 I was able to take off work and join Everleigh on her field trip--so much fun watching her interact with other kids. My oh-so-very shy baby cakes does interact with other kids! :)

 The twins continue to like hockey. Their skating has really been improving too.

 Paisley drew a picture of when we are old. Nice. Poor Oscar is in the grave. And Craig and I have canes. I love that she's wearing chevron or something and I have a freaking Christmas sweater on. Ha! 
The last couple of weeks have been emotional as Grandma Marian has moved from her apartment to the nursing home...for good. Her health is declining quickly. It's so hard to see her like this. Upon our visits, we've been sure to bring her favorite little guy with. She just loves Oscar.
 Both Craig and I were able to chaperone the kindergarten field trip! Craig was placed with Madden's class (so no pics) and I was with Hudson's class.

 It's been too many weeks since I've blogged. That means I'm so far behind that catching up is nearly impossible. However, we can't miss the fact that Paisley had another dance competition in Madison. She was excited to ride with Makyah and her friends!

 While we were there, we had the opportunity to watch the UW dance team at the Field House. Miss P was in awe.
This weekend, Paisley had a birthday party and sleepover to attend.
And Craig took the boys for a mini vacay....which means Everleigh and I were all alone for the first time, ever! Well, except for our first night in the hospital together. :) What can I say? One child is SO easy.
The boys had a great time in Madison....

 Now I'm gearing up for the twin's birthday, more dance, and a little time with my bestie. February will be a busy and exciting month. I'll do my best to keep the blog updated! :)



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