Sunday, June 26, 2016

Mini Vacay

Hey. I'm here. Working full time, crazy mom of four. Or should it be mom of crazy four? Eh, probably both if I'm being honest.
Summer is here. We are l-o-v-i-n-g the weather, the opportunity to play outside, sunshine on our face and summer clothes. Well, some of are enjoying summer clothes. Since the weather has started to warm up, Hudson has refused to wear t-shirts or shorts. He says he's cold. And, he's not. Anyway...after weeks and weeks of trying to get him out of jeans and also letting him wear winter clothes on hot days (hoping he'd just give in--wrong.), I finally put together a reward chart. If he wears appropriate clothes for 15 days, he can buy the TMNT movie. So far, so good. Why didn't I think of this like a month ago?!

Two weeks ago Paisley had a follow-up check up with the Orthodontist. Last year, he recommended she have 4 teeth pulled to make room as she has a ton of overcrowding so we didn't have to do two phases of braces. So, we did that. Now we just had to go back (a year later) to see how things were going. Well, not so well, as we found out. She had now developed more of an under-bite as we probably didn't get the teeth out soon enough. Crap. So without any warning, braces went on that day!
The before...

And after...
What a beauty. She aged about three years in my opinion. I mean, how am I old enough to have a child in braces?!? She's been perfect at following all of the rules of braces. It sounds like she will have them on only for about a 1/2 year, just to get those top teeth in place. When she's a teenager, she will have the whole shebang.

The boys have been playing summer hockey. I'm really sucky at getting pictures of them. They are getting faster, better at stopping and are really enjoying it. Hopefully this week I step up the photo game!

We celebrated Father's Day with Craig and his family. I can't really begin to describe what an amazing Dad Craig is. The kids are so lucky to have him as their daddy.

Last week, Everleigh started soccer! She didn't have quite enough time to get acclimated, and had tears in her eyes as she took the field. All of the kids got blue t-shirts, as you can see...

But would Everleigh wear hers? Of course not. Why would anything be that easy? She refused. Which I guess turned out okay. I mean, you can't miss her. She was super easy to see. About 1/2 way through the first day she warmed up, participated well and had fun. The second day, I had to walk her on the field, but other than that, she participated beautifully.
She seems to be loving it, which is great. She'll play twice a week until August. Then in the fall, she will be in an actual soccer league. Exciting!
(she saw this picture and told me to crop her head off because the wind just made her hair and face look terrible. HA! :) )

This week, our family took a little vacation down to Milwaukee for a Brewers game! It had been a long time since Craig and I had been to a game. To be exact, I was newly pregnant with the twins (not showing) and it was super hot. I ended up throwing up several times that day. I can only imagine that people thought I had had a few too many beverages, but that wasn't the case! This time anyway! :)
The boys have really been in to baseball, so we thought this would be a great time to go to a game. We left EC on Friday morning, stopped in Wi Dells to shop a little and eat, then continued on the trip. It was the longest drive the twins or Everleigh have ever done in the car. It was long for us in the front seat too!
Mom, I'm hungry.
Mom, how much longer.
Mom, Madden's kicking my seat.
Mom, turn the music up.
Mom, turn the music down.
Mom, how much longer.

We got to our hotel, relaxed a bit, went out for dinner and headed to Miller Park! The kids were in awe of the stadium. Really, for good reason. It is pretty amazing.

Girls in baseball caps for the win.
The Brewers won, including two home runs. The kids love Bernie, so watching him go down the slide was a highlight. After the first home run, everyone was screaming and cheering and Paisley teared up. She's so my daughter.
It all went way better than I had expected. The kids loved it.
We got back to the hotel super late that night. The kids giggled and tired-laughed the whole way back. Listening to them laugh like that just warms my heart--even if it is due to overtiredness.
The next morning, we all swam in the pool for a few hours, then headed back towards home.

We had made plans to stop in WI Dells to meet up with the Lokkens, who happen to be camping there for the weekend. So we arrived about mid-afternoon and hopped on the Dells Ducks. It had been a super long time since either Craig or I had ridden the ducks. It was a pretty fun ride!

After the ducks, we walked around downtown WI Dells. Craig, Cal and Paisley braved the Haunted House, we went to the candy shop, looked in all the tourist shops and enjoyed time together (sweating our butts off).

We also happened upon a magician doing a show on the streets. He was SO good. He took a $10 bill from Craig, and somehow at the end of his act, he pulled it out of a whole orange. Seriously. Magic is cool.

We ate dinner at Buffalo Phils. They bring you your food and drinks on a train. It's pretty cool. It's not so cool when the train derails and drinks go flying on uncle Cal though. LOL. Actually, it's pretty funny. It makes me laugh just thinking about it. The kids went on a ride, ate dinner in their own booth (big kids!) and we finally headed back to EC to pick up our little Oscie boy and got home around 10:00. It was a long, hot and super fun weekend. Even though there was some whining and fighting, it's so fun that the kids are getting old enough that we can actually enjoy little trips like this.

Now we settle in for a week of work, dance, soccer, hockey, dr appointments and real life.
Thanks for checking in! (and don't forget Everleigh's B-day post below).

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